【同义词辨析】 2018-09-11 支付pay-recompense

pay: implies the discharge of an obligation incurred: we pay taxes in exchange for government services. (incur招致,带来强调相应责任stresses responsibility for what is incurred, 如the government had also incurred huge debts政府已债累累)

compensate: implies a counterbalancing of services rendered or help given: an attorney well ~d for her services.

remunerate: more clearly suggests a paying for services rendered and may extend to payment that is generous or not contracted for: promised to ~ the searchers handsomely.

satisfy: implies the paying of what is demanded or required by law: all creditors will be ~ied in full.

reimburse: implies a return of money that has been expended for another's benefit: the company will ~ the employees for expenses incurred.

indemnify: implies the promised or actual making good of a loss, injury, or damage suffered through accident, disaster, or warfare: the government cannot ~ the families of military casualties.        (make good赔偿,如it may cost several billion dollars to make good the damage要花几十亿才能赔偿这一损失)

repay: stresses the paying back of an equivalent in kind or amount: ~ a loan.

recompense: suggests due return in amounts, friendly repayment, or reward: the hotel ~d us with a free bottle of champagne.  due恰当的=proper

pay支付: 表示履行义务,compensate补偿: 抵消享受的服务或接受的帮助(counterbalance抵消平衡),remunerate支付: 比上词更明确表示为服务支付,还表示慷慨的或超出合同的支付 ,satisfy依法支付: 表示法定的支付,reimburse报销: 返还为他人而花的钱,indemnify赔偿: 赔偿事故灾难战争中的损失损害,repay返还: 强调相同种类数量的钱物的支付(equivalent等价的),recompense补偿馈赠: 友好礼貌补偿馈赠

记忆方法: 1)首字母PCRSRIRR组合成RRRR PICS,想成4Rolls of PICtureS四卷画<==Franz Schubert用lullaby摇篮曲支付土豆烧牛肉,想像Vincent Van Gough用4卷画支付什么(上帝总是把他的宠儿放在最艰苦的地方)

        3)支付的意思是钱物作为回报mean to give money or its equivalent in return for something.首字母PCRSRIRR组合成RRRR PICS,想成4Rolls of PICtureS四卷画<==Franz Schubert用lullaby摇篮曲支付土豆烧牛肉,想像Vincent Van Gough用4卷画支付什么(上帝总是把他的宠儿放在最艰苦的地方)